Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda tied the knot with his beloved Lin Laishram in Imphal on November 29. Their traditional Meitei wedding ceremony was attended by close friends and family members. Following their marriage, Randeep and Lin shared official wedding photos on Instagram. Now, a video has emerged on social media showing the newlyweds celebrating and enjoying a cake-cutting moment.
The wedding cake was — a white one, three-tiered — decorated with some simple toppers.
In the video circulating on Instagram, Randeep and Lin can be seen cutting the wedding cake together after their wedding. The couple was surrounded by their family members, who cheered and applauded as the couple cut the cake. Randeep then lovingly feeds a small piece of cake to his wife. For the occasion, Randeep donned an exquisite golden sherwani, while Lin looked resplendent in a yellow silk suit.
For his wedding with Lin Laishram, Randeep chose to dress as a Manipuri groom in all-white attire. He wore a white kurta and dhoti, complemented by a white-and-yellow headgear known as koyet. A white shawl was also covered around his shoulders. Lin Laishram, on the other hand, looked stunning as a traditional Manipuri bride, adorning a 'Potloi', a cylindrical skirt crafted from thick fabric and bamboo. She accessorised with intricate golden jewellery, including a long necklace called Likhom, a traditional headgear known as 'maatha patti'.
Dropping the wedding pictures on Instagram jointly with Lin, Randeep wrote in the caption, "From today, we are One," followed by a heart and an infinity emoji. The wedding ceremonies of Randeep and Lin were held at the Chumthang Shannapung Resort in Imphal. Prior to the wedding, Randeep revealed in an interview with a news agency that he and Lin have been friends for a long time and met during their theatre days. Lin also shared that they crossed paths at Naseeruddin Shah's theatre group called Motley, where Randeep was her senior.
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