Mumbai (Maharashtra): On Sunday, Soni Razdan's sister Tina Razdan shared an unseen picture from Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's wedding festivities. In the image, Ranbir is seen holding Alia in his arms. Also seen in the fam-jam snap are Ranbir's mother Neetu Kapoor, sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Alia's father Mahesh Bhatt, and her sister Shaheen Bhatt, mother Soni Razdan, Ranbir's aunt Rima Jain and cousin Nitasha Nanda and niece Samara.
The picture is from the first ceremony, a puja held on the morning of April 13, before the mehendi ceremony. For the occasion, Alia opted for an orange suit while Ranbir chose to wear a white kurta. His sister Riddhima opted for a beige kurta and his niece Samara is in a pink kurta. "A widening inner circle," Tina Razdan captioned the post. The particular picture has garnered several likes and comments. "Family," Soni Razdan commented. Riddhima dropped a string of red heart emojis in the comment section.