Mumbai: Ranbir and Alia, together forever!The couple completed 7 'Pheras' today in the presence of their families and close friends and are not officially Mr and Mrs Kapoor. Amid all the festivities, the presence of late legendary actor Rishi Kapoor, Ranbir's after, was thoroughly missed. It was an intimate ceremony and some well-known faces were spotted. Paparazzi spotted these celebrities including Alia Bhatt's mother Soni Razdan, donning a beautiful onion pink saree. Neetu Kapoor in a beautiful pink and off-white lehenga and Riddhima in a golden one, along with Arman Jain and Anisha Jain were captured.
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan were also spotted while leaving for the wedding. Pooja Bhatt, Mahesh Bhatt along with many others arrived at the venue.
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are set to exchange wedding vows today, reportedly at 2 p.m. in Vastu Apartments. The couple has been very private about their wedding and that reflects in the guest list. As per media reports, only a handful of 30 to 50 guests, which includes Ranbir and Alia's closest friends and family members have been invited for the star couple's D-Day.
Talking about food, that definitely cannot be skipped at any wedding, here is what is being reported. It's no secret that the food is the cornerstone of the Kapoor Khandaan and keeping up with the tradition, the wedding menu is a delight for the attendees. While the food served to the guests has everything from tandoori chicken to dal makhni, as per media reports, a special vegan burger stall has been set up for Alia. The 'Highway' actress and her BFF Anushka are big fans of vegan burgers. Hence, the stall has been stationed at the venue keeping in mind the bride's taste. Apart from the Indian delicacies, there will also be fusion food and a sushi station at the wedding. That sushi counter is for Ranbir as he absolutely loves sushi.