Mumbai:Bollywood couple Ranbir Kapoor and Ali Bhatt on Friday took their newborn daughter Raha Kapoor out for a stroll in Mumbai. The couple was clicked by paparazzi with their daughter but the pictures shared by photogs on Instagram are covered with baby face emojis. Meanwhile, Raha's grandmother and veteran actor Neetu Kapoor, extended heartfelt wishes to the little one as she celebrate the first Lohri today.
On Friday, new parents Ranbir and Alia were spotted with their baby girl Raha. The couple was accompanied by Alia's sister Shaheen Bhatt. Pictures of Alia and Ranbir with baby Raha have stormed the internet. But, the paparazzi have covered Raha's face adhering to the request made by Ranbir and Alia.
Earlier, Ranbir and Alia revealed their baby's face to the paparazzi during a special gathering that they had arranged for photogs. The couple had requested lensmen to not click Raha until she turns 2-year-old. It seems the paparazzi have agreed to not reveal Raha's face as they covered baby's face with emojis.
Raha will be celebrating her first Lohri today. This will be Alia's first Lohri too after tying the knot with Ranbir and embracing motherhood. To mark Alia and Raha's first Lohri in Kapoor family, Neetu shared a picture on her story and wrote, "Happy first Lohri." In the picture, Alia and Ranbir can be seen holding their daughter, and a small football jersey hangs on the wall that reads Raha. The Brahmastra couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed a baby girl on November 6 last year.