Mumbai (Maharashtra): Amid Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's wedding rumours, Ranbir's new under-construction home in Bandra has been decked with strings of lights. A video from the Krishna Raj bungalow, which is currently under construction, has gone viral on social media. In the clip, various workers can be seen decorating the bungalow with LED string lights.
Ranbir, Alia and Neetu Kapoor have visited the site several times in the past, to check on the construction progress. Sources suggest Ranbir and Alia, fondly called by fans as RanAlia, will move into the Krishna Raj bungalow once they tie the knot. The wedding will reportedly be a 4-day-long affair at the RK house. The functions will start from April 13 onwards with the Mehendi ceremony followed by a sangeet ceremony on the next day and finally the wedding on April 15. As per reports, the duo will get married in an intimate ceremony.