Mumbai (Maharashtra): Celebrity sweethearts Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's wedding celebrations have finally kick-started today. Ranbir's cousins Kareena Kapooor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, aunt Rima Jain (late Rishi Kapoor's sister) and cousin Nitasha Nanda (daughter of Ritu and Rajan Nanda) were among the early guests to arrive for the festivities. Family members and friends who were spotted arriving at Ranbir's Vastu residence in Bandra, were dressed in traditional attires.
Ranbir's mother Neetu Kapoor was seen arriving at Ranbir's Vastu residence in Bandra area of Mumbai along with her daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, granddaughter Samara and son-in-law Bharat Sahni for the pre-wedding festivities. A white coloured air-conditioned van with its blinds drawn was also seen arriving at the premises, perhaps for the purpose of bringing in a couple of wedding attendees.