Mumbai:With Alia Bhatt's mehendi wrapping up on Wednesday, the focus has shifted to the marriage ceremony on Wednesday. The families of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are gearing up for the wedding ceremony of the power couple slated for Thursday, April 14. The baraat procession of members of the Kapoor family will move from Krishna Raj bungalow, the under-construction future home of Ranbir and Alia named after the late Raj Kapoor's wife, from one part of Mumbai's tony Pali Hill neighbourhood to Ranbir's current home, Vastu, in another part of the same area. The two addresses are separated by less than a couple of kilometres.
At the same time, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor will take 7 pheras or the holy rounds at 2pm today. But before this, at 11am, there will be a Haldi ceremony, for which both the parties will gather at the Vastu bungalow.