Hyderabad: The recently released family action series Rana Naidu seems hard to digest for south Indian viewers given the image of Venkatesh Daggubati in the Telugu industry, who essayed the role played by Jon Voight in the original series Ray Donovan. Keeping the technicalities apart, the series has drawn criticism for its explicit use of language and nudity, which do not add to the storyline. The Hindi remake of the hit American series is the first time collaboration between Rana Daggubati and his real-life uncle, veteran Tollywood star Venkatesh Daggubati.
The series that was released on Netflix has the potential to be successful, given it is written effectively and that the characters have an arc. However, the characters' flaws and dark undertones with unnecessary nudity come in the way. The series maintains a heavy dose of explicit language which make family audiences unreceptive to it.