Mumbai: Ram Setu, starring Akshay Kumar, has raised over Rs 15 crore in its first day India net box office collection. Directed by Abhishek Sharma of Tere Bin Laden fame, the action-adventure drama released in theatres on Tuesday. Akshay-starrer has surpassed Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra's Thank God at the box office on day 1.
According to a statement issued by the makers on Wednesday, Ram Setu opened at Rs 15.25 crore. The film revolves around an atheist archaeologist-turned-believer, Dr Aryan Kulshrestha (Kumar), who must race against time to prove the true existence of the legendary Ram Setu before evil forces destroy the pillar of India's heritage.
Satyadev, Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha also round out the cast of the movie, which hit the screens alongside family comedy Thank God. Ram Setu is presented by Prime Video in association with Cape of Good Films and Lyca Productions and is an Abundantia Entertainment Production.