Hyderabad: Rajveer Deol, the debutant actor and son of Bollywood star Sunny Deol and Pooja Deol, has shared his journey into the film industry, revealing that his decision to pursue acting was met with initial resistance from his parents. Despite their concerns about the unpredictable and 'mentally draining' nature of the film industry, Rajveer followed his passion for acting and is making his screen debut in the romantic comedy Dono.
At the Dono trailer launch, Rajveer candidly discussed his family's reservations about his career choice. "My parents hated the fact that I’m becoming an actor," said Rajveer. He admitted that his parents had hoped he would pursue a different profession due to the fickle nature of fame and the entertainment industry. Rajveer emphasized that the film business can be a rollercoaster ride, with moments of joy followed by periods of uncertainty. He cited the example of his father, Sunny Deol, who experienced a significant hit with Gadar 2 after a 22-year gap in his successful career.
Rajveer's journey into acting was deeply influenced by his family's background in the film industry, where everyone around him was involved in acting. Growing up in this environment, he developed a strong fascination with movies and the ability of actors to transform into various characters. Despite his family's concerns, Rajveer was determined to pursue his passion for acting, and he expressed his love for the craft.