Hyderabad:Actor Rajshri Deshpande created waves with her top-notch acting abilities in the recent Netflix series Trial by Fire. Ditching the mainstream path of glitzy cinema, the actor opted for artistic films and true-to-reality parts. However, the way to success was not easy as the actor has now revealed how she was asked to pay for awards and for appearing on magazine covers for mileage.
Taking to Twitter, Rajshri wrote: 'They advised me to pay for dressing up, appearing on magazine covers, and even for winning awards, but I ultimately chose to invest all of that money in travelling, meeting new people, leading an adventurous life, and laughing while gazing endlessly at the mountains and the sea. I hope I did it right.'
The post is another reminder of how the film industry works. With the post going viral, fans and industry friends of the Trial by Fire actor took to the comment section to express their views and opinions. Reacting to the post, a user commented: 'Without a doubt! Nothing like being with nature when you can :)'
Another fan wrote: 'Love that attitude. One and only one life. We need to see, explore and dip into this wide beautiful world.' Rajshri went on to share the same post on her official Instagram handle as well but with a different picture this time.
Actor Shaisha Shinde praising Rajshri's power move commented: 'You did right ! You did good.' 'Yes love, ‘tis the only way!' wrote another. Talking about her career choices, the method actor struggled for ten years to finally get the recognition she deserves.