Mumbai:Makers of Rajkummar Rao's next film 'Hit-the first case' have dropped the first motion poster of the film. The motion poster, shared by Rao on Instagram, shows him in an intense avatar. He captioned the post as "Unravelling the first mystery. Hitting the theatres on 15th July 2022! HIT - The First Case #HITGlimpseOfVikram out on 14th June."
Right after Rao dropped the poster, fans bombed his comment section expressing their eagerness to watch the film. An Instagram user wrote, "it's gonna be awesome". Another user wrote, "Waiting wishes Sir..."
Rajkummar Rao plays the role of a cop, Vikram. Sanya Malhotra essays the role of the female lead in the film. Directed by Sailesh Kolanu, the upcoming thriller is the Hindi remake of the Telugu film of the same name. The film is set to hit the theatres on July 15.