Mumbai: Bollywood actor RajKummar Rao is all set to rock the IIFA 2023 with his hosting skills. As per a post shared on the official Instagram of Bollywood's prestigious awards show, Rajkummar will co-host the IIFA Rocks event this year on May 26 in Abu Dhabi. "From Bareily to Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, #RajkummarRao is all set to entertain us as the host for Sobha Realty IIFA Rocks 2023," the post read.
The update has left RajKummar's fans excited. "Woah...he is one of the best talents we have," a social media user commented. "Can't wait to witness his hosting skills," another one wrote. Held prior to the main awards ceremony, IIFA Rocks highlights the music and fashion of Indian cinema. Renowned musicians of the Hindi film industry are expected to create magic with their songs at the gala this year.
The main awards night will be hosted by Abhishek Bachchan and Vicky Kaushal on May 27. Excited to be back as the host, Abhishek said, "I'm ecstatic to be hosting the 23rd edition of IIFA at YAS Island, Abu Dhabi. IIFA is like family to me. I am looking forward to entertaining, meeting fans, and connecting with them globally."