Hyderabad: Ace filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani is all set to bring the life of Indian cricket legend Lala Amarnath on celluloid. The upcoming film will be Hirani's second biopic after the 2018 released Sanju based on the life of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt. Hirani is said to put the upcoming biographical drama on the fast track once he completes Shah Rukh Khan starrer.
Hirani was reportedly toying with the idea of making Lala Amarnath biopic since 2019. To play Lala Amarnath in the film, Hirani had approached Shah Rukh Khan. The superstar, however, opted for Dunki over the sports biopic. SRK turning down Lala Amarnath biopic apparently slowed down the progress and makers had to put it on the backburner to focus on Dunki.
Lala Amarnath biopic is said to be back on track after Dunki’s release. To set the film's progress in motion, Hirani and his team are aiming to complete scripting by end of this year. According to reports, Hirani is extremely passionate about Lala Amarnath biopic and the film will be his sole focus after Dunki is released.