Hyderabad: The makers of Jailer held a grand event in Chennai on Sunday night to celebrate the film's massive success. Headlined by screen icon Rajinikanth, Jailer is helmed by Nelson Dilipkumar while Anirudh Ravichander scored the music for the film which is bankrolled by Sun Pictures. At the Jailer event, Rajinikanth made a comment on Anirudh's contribution to elevate the film which according to him was an "average" sans the music. In an unexpected turn of events, Rajinikanth's comment triggered a war of words between his fans and the admirers of Thalapathy Vijay.
At the Jailer success meet, Rajinikanth said in Tamil, "I watched the film first without the re-recording. I then asked Sembian sir and Kannan sir about their opinions on the film. Kannan was all praise. I told him, 'Nelson is your friend and you will obviously appreciate him.' I then asked Sembian and he said the film was average. But, the film before the re-recording was done, was average to me too. However, the manner in which Anirudh lifted the film was, 'My God'. He transformed Jailer almost like a bride-to-be after makeup. Superb."
The actor reportedly also lauded Nelson for how masterfully he infused humour and carved well-rounded cameos of Mohanlal and Shiva Rajkumar in Jailer. But as social media platforms are echo chambers where it is extremely hard to correct the mistake, Rajinikanth's heaping praise on Nelson got muted amid the brouhaha around his comment on Jailer as an 'average' film without Anirudh Ravichander's music.