Hyderabad: Rajinikanth's big-screen return with Jailer comes two years after the release of Annaatthe, his Diwali movie. The action-packed movie written and directed by Nelson Dilipkumar is showing a positive response at the advance booking stage. Just a day before his much awaited film releases in theatres worldwide, South superstar Rajinikanth has flown off to the Himalayas.
The actor on Wednesday embarked on his journey to the highlands. After briefly addressing the media before departing early in the morning for the Himalayas, Rajinikanth said that he was making the journey after being prevented from doing so earlier due to Covid. He will leave from Chennai Airport to Bengaluru Airport and then on to the Himalayas.
At the Chennai airport, Rajinikanth told reporters, "I'm returning to the Himalayas after a four-year absence. Tomorrow marks the release of the film Jailer; go watch it and let me know if you like it." For the unversed, Rajinikanth used to travel to the Himalayas after every single one of his films. However, in the past four years, he could not travel to the hills owing to many factors, including Corona and his poor health.