Chennai (Tamil Nadu): On the auspicious day of Diwali, the South-Indian superstar Rajinikanth greeted and wished his fans on Monday. Rajinikanth, dressed in a white Kurta, waved to the enthusiastic fans who had gathered in front of his residence.
Rajinikanth greets fans outside his residence, wishes them Happy Diwali The pictures of the actor greeting his fans got viral on social media and netizens hailed the veteran star for his simplicity. The 'Robot' actor didn't disappoint his fans who had been waiting outside his residence to take a glimpse of their favourite star.
Rajinikanth greets fans outside his residence, wishes them Happy Diwali Talking about Rajinikanth, the 'Thalaiva' of Tollywood, needs no description. He has established a stronghold in the Tamil film industry with the portrayal of various characters and performing in every movie genre. Some of Rajinikanth's best films include, 'Kabali', 'Sivaji', 'Annaatthe', and 'Lingaa' to name a few of the plethora of movies he has acted in.
Meanwhile, Rajinikanth was last seen in 'Annaatthe', directed by Siva, which gathered mixed reviews from the audiences and was released on the occasion of Diwali 2021.
Rajinikanth greets fans outside his residence, wishes them Happy Diwali He will be next seen in an action thriller film 'Jailer' alongside Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ramya Krishnan, Priyanka Arul Mohan, and Shiva Rajkumar. Helmed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the shooting for the project has already begun. The official release date is still awaited. Before 'Jailer', Rajnikanth and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan worked together in "Robot" which was a blockbuster hit. Ash and Rajini's on-screen chemistry was nothing short of magical in this film. (ANI)