Hyderabad: Superstar Rajinikanth and filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj will reportedly collaborate on a future project. The rumours of a potential collaboration are at an all-time high, despite the fact that neither Lokesh nor Rajinikanth nor the production company has officially confirmed it. Now, more information on the project has recently surfaced, and it may not be very satisfying for the fans.
According to the most recent reports, the Jailer actor will star in Lokesh Kanagaraj's standalone movie. The film will reportedly have no connection with the LCU (Lokesh Cinematic Universe). The movie has been given the working title Thalaivaar 171. The movie's shooting is expected to begin at the end of this year or the beginning of the following year. Fans of the renowned cinematic universe, who are expecting to see more famous faces in the movie, will undoubtedly be disappointed by this.