Hyderabad (Telangana): Mahesh Babu was spotted at Hyderabad airport on Sunday morning, on his way to Dubai. With only a few weeks left for the release of his film Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Mahesh's journey has raised many questions. RRR director SS Rajamouli and Murari actor Mahesh Babu are collaborating on a heavy-budget project, which will probably go on the floors next year.
According to reports, director SS Rajamouli will also join Mahesh Babu on his Dubai trip. Perhaps Mahesh and Rajamouli are collaborating in Dubai for the narration of their next massive project. The duo is said to be actively participating in brainstorming sessions, as Rajamouli previously stated that they haven't zeroed in on a subject from a couple of interesting stories he has for Mahesh.