Hyderabad: The makers of the highly anticipated film Chandramukhi 2 unveiled the first-look poster of their movie on Monday. Lyca Productions, the banner behind Chandramukhi 2 shared the poster on social media which featured Tamil actor Raghava Lawrence as King Vettaiyan, a role that was previously played by megastar Rajinikanth in the 2005 movie Chandramukhi. directed by P Vasu, Lawrence also features Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut in lead role.
Taking to Twitter, Lyca Productions wrote, "Back with double the swag and attitude! Witness Vettaiyan Raja's intimidating presence in @offl_Lawrence's powerful first look from Chandramukhi 2..." In the poster, Raghava's Vettaiyan character could be seen with an intense evil look descending the staircase of his palace. He was dressed in green and maroon ethnic attire and befitting accessories for the iconic role.
Meanwhile, Raghava also took to his Twitter handle and thanked Rajinikanth for his blessings and support in taking on this role. He tweeted, "Thanks to Thalaivar Superstar @rajinikanth! Here’s presenting you the first look of Vettaiyan (crown emoji). I need all your blessings!"
Chandramukhi 2 is the sequel to Rajinikanth and Jyothika starrer Chandramukhi, released in 2005. In the sequel, Kangana will portray the role of a dancer in the king's court, who was renowned for her beauty and dancing prowess. Raghava will co-star with Kangana in the major role. Oscar-winning music composer MM Keeravani has composed music for the forthcoming movie. Scheduled to hit the theatres on Ganesh Chaturthi this year, Chandramukhi 2 will be released in languages including Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.
Also read:Chandramukhi 2: Kangana Ranaut gears up to shoot significant scene, shares pics from vanity