Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra took to Instagram to share a heartfelt message and a string of behind-the-scenes photos from her engagement to AAP leader Raghav Chadha, just days after they got engaged. At about the same time, Raghav also posted a slew of pictures along with a lovely message. The politician revealed that ever since he met Parineeti, she has made him merrier and at peace.
Along with the pictures, Raghav wrote, “And one fine day, this beautiful girl entered my life, adding a colourful dash of smiles, laughter and sparkle to brighten it up, and whose gentle, reassuring embrace promised eternal love and support. No wonder our engagement was such a happy occasion where tears of joy, laughter, happiness and merry dancing brought our loved ones even closer - quintessentially the Punjabi way.”
In the photos, Parineeti and Raghav can be seen having a good time while being surrounded by friends and family. In one image, Parineeti is seen crying as Raghav wipes away her tear, and in the last image, Parineeti is seen in a rather jolly mood with her hands up in the air. In another photo, we see Priyanka Chopra applying a tika to Raghav's forehead in accordance with Hindu traditions. The Quantico star had come all the way to India for the engagement.