New Delhi: Actor Parineeti Chopra and AAP leader Raghav Chadha are all set to get engaged, finally putting an end to speculations about their relationship. Sources said the duo will exchange the rings on May 13 in Delhi. Around 150 close friends and family members have been invited to the ceremony, the sources added.
Several members from the political and film fraternity are expected to attend the function. Neither Parineeti nor Raghav officially confirmed their relationship but an AAP leader had in March congratulated them over their "union". Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjeev Arora shared a collage of Parineeti and Raghav's pictures.
"I extend my heartfelt congratulations to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes," he said in a tweet. Parineeti and Raghav's dating rumours began after they were spotted together at a lunch date in Mumbai in March.