Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha will be engaged in a few hours. Ahead of the grand ceremony which will take place in Delhi today evening, Raghav was spotted enjoying a hot cuppa by the paparazzi stationed outside the Kapurthala House. Need we say the video is going viral on social media?
Parineeti and Raghav will be engaged in the presence of nearly 150 guests. Ahead of the grand engagement ceremony, Raghav was seen chilling on the porch while a team of photographers and event planners in coordinated outfits were busy doing their job. A relaxed Raghav was seen enjoying a hot cuppa just ahead of his engagement ceremony with Parineeti which will be marked by family and close friends.
The engagement ceremony of Raghav and Parineeti had Priyanka Chopra Jonas flying down to the national capital from the US. Priyanka, who is Parineeti's cousin, landed in Delhi today morning. Also spotted at the airport was ace couturier Manish Malhotra. Parineeti is said to be donning Manish's design for the engagement and her look for the evening will be minimalistic and all things pastel.
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Parineeti and Raghav sparked dating rumours in March after they were spotted together on a dinner date. The couple has remained tight-lipped about their alleged romance. They neither denied nor accepted dating rumours which kept rounds of the webloids. Parineeti and Raghav knew each other since their university days at the London School of Economics. The cupid, however, is said to have struck the longtime friends recently.