Mumbai: Actor R Madhavan is set to star alongside superstar Ajay Devgn in filmmaker Vikas Bahl's upcoming supernatural thriller film, the makers announced Saturday. The upcoming film will bring Ajay and Madhavan together for the first time. For the film Ajay, who is also producing the film, has teamed up with Drishyam 2 producers Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak. The film is being produced under the banner of Ajay Devgn Ffilm and Panorama Studios.
The film marks the first collaboration between the superstar and Madhavan. According to a press release issued by the makers, the movie is currently in the pre-production stage and filming will start next month. It will be shot across Mumbai, Mussoorie, and London. Ajay and Madhavan aside, the makers are all set to ensure a powerhouse star cast to increase this excitement around the project.