Hyderabad: Actor Chiyaan Vikram is currently undergoing treatment after suffering a rib injury during filming. Vikram who received high accolades for his work in Ponniyin Selvan 2, has hurt himself while practising for his upcoming movie Thangalaan. The actor will be taking a break from the filming of Pa Ranjith's movie due to a rib injury, according to a tweet from Vikram's manager.
The news of his rib injury was shared by his manager on Twitter. The manager of Vikram and his son Dhruv, Suryanarayanan, wrote: Thank you for all the love and gratitude Aditha Karikalan alias Chiyaan Vikram has received and for the astonishing response to PS2 from all around the world. Due to a broken rib, he got during practice, Chiyaan will take some time to rejoin his Thangalaan unit. He expresses gratitude to everyone for their support and makes a commitment to return to his normal rocking position as soon as possible.
As soon as the tweet was posted, followers responded by wishing the actor a swift recovery. “Take care sir... God always with you,” read the tweet of an emotional fan. Another social media user wrote: "Get well soon dear Thalaiva..."