Los Angeles: Global icon Priyanka Chopra, on Friday night, extended her support to the ongoing SAG AFTRA strike. Priyanka expressed solidarity with SAF-AFTRA strike amid reports of her upcoming film Heads Of State hitting a roadblock due to the ongoing turmoil in Hollywood. Meanwhile, weighing in on Hollywood stars extending support for SAF-AFTRA strike, Bollywood actor Swara Bhasker pointed out how actors are not punished for their political stance in certain parts of the world.
Taking to Instagram, Priyanka shared a post which she captioned, “I stand with my union and colleagues. In solidarity, we build a better tomorrow.” Earlier, several reports also stated that the filming for her upcoming project, Heads Of State would also be halted or postponed due to the strike. Soon after Priyanka shared the post, her fans and friends swamped down the comment section and showered praises. “More power to you Queen,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “well done peecee.”
Interestingly, Swara Bhasker on Friday shared a media report regarding Hollywood actors extending support to SAG AFTRA strike on her Instagram Stories. Sharing the report, Swara made a point that how actors face no repercussions for political activism abroad. "Somewhere in the world actors are not penalised for being 'political,'" wrote Bhasker, who often voices her opinions on socio-political issues and faces the wrath of social media for the same.