Hyderabad: Global icon Priyanka Chopra on Sunday took to her social media account and shared several pictures from the celebrations of Easter Sunday with her daughter Malti Marie. The young child is even seen playing with Easter eggs while wearing a T-shirt that reads, "Malti Marie's first Easter". The global icon simply wrote, "Easter Sunday" in the caption along with emojis.
In the first image, Malti is seen holding Easter eggs with the camera focused on her T-shirt while Priyanka stands behind her. The following image shows the mother-daughter pair twinning in printed tops and pajamas as Priyanka captures a mirror selfie holding her daughter in her arms. The next image shows Malti curiously toying with the chocolate egg and trying to eat it. The last image shows Malti having fun on a sofa while their two dogs, Panda and Gino, play on the lawn.