Hyderabad: Days after Priyanka Chopra came on the Call Her Daddy podcast to promote her new movie, an old audio clip of presenter Alex Cooper and former host Sofia Franklyn talking ill about the actor got leaked. In the now viral audio clip, the two hosts could be heard bashing the couple and making racist remarks about Priyanka's physical looks to her sexual orientation. Reddit users claim the audio clip is from a 2020 show and called out the hosts for stooping so low.
One user posted the audio recording on Reddit and said: "I wonder if PC knew about this before she recently went on the podcast." Others who commented on the article called the interaction "vile" and "racist." In the audio, one of the hosts introduces the segment by talking about "the most annoying celebrity couple." The other responds by taking Priyanka and Nick's names.
She goes on to say, "Though I don't want to mention their names, for me it is Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas. They both have pretty unsettling faces in my opinion." In the background, one can hear the other host giggling. The other woman responds, "I want to punch them," remembering what occurred when she said the same thing in an Instagram story.