Hyderabad: Global icon Priyanka Chopra landed in the national capital on Saturday morning to attend her courin and actor Pareeniti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha's engagement ceremony, which is scheduled to take place today evening. Photos and videos of the global icon from Delhi airport are doing rounds on the internet.
In one of the videos posted by a paparazzo on social media, Priyanka could be seen getting miffed after two men shoved the security in an attempt to click selfies with the actor. The video shows a guy trying to grab a selfie by pushing his way past Priyanka's security as she was making her way out of the airport. Priyanka seemed visibly upset over the scene. She was, however, taken aback immediately when a second man took advantage of the opportunity and walked up to her to grab a selfie. Her security team sprang into action right away.