Hyderabad: Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently made headlines after she revealed that she had left Bollywood because of shady politics. The global icon is still hitting the headlines, but this time not for the right reasons. It all began when Priyanka Chopra congratulated Pakistani filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy on becoming the first woman of colour and the first woman to be in charge of a Star Wars movie. While doing so, she referred to the filmmaker as 'South Asian'.
Taking to Instagram Stories, Priyanka Chopra wrote, "First person of colour and first woman to direct a 'Star Wars' film...and she's South Asian!! What a historic moment @sharmeenobaidchinoy. So so proud of you my friend! May the force be with you!" In response to Priyanka's post appreciating Sharmeen, Adnan Siddiqui, a Pakistani actor who made his Bollywood debut alongside Sridevi in Mom, criticized Priyanka for her negligence.
Also read:Priyanka to address Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Bhagel's "trust rally" on April 13
The Pakistani actor took to his Twitter handle and wrote, "With due respect, @priyankachopra. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy is a Pakistani first just to brush up your knowledge. Much like the way you flaunt your Indian nationality whenever you get the opportunity before claiming to be a South Asian🙏🏽." This is not the first time that the actor has criticized an Indian star. He has previously criticized Mission Majnu, a film starring Sidharth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna, for its portrayal of Pakistanis.
He wrote, "How much misrepresentation is too much misrepresentation? Bollywood has the answer. I mean come on, yaar with all the money you have, hire some good researchers to do homework on us. Or allow me to help. Make sure to take notes - no, we don't wear skull caps, surma, tawiz; no, we don't ask janab about their mijaz; no, we don't go around throwing adaab."