Mumbai: Prabhas on Sunday dropped the first look of Prithviraj Sukumaran's character from Salaar to celebrate the actor's 39th birthday. Directed by Prashanth Neel of the KGF film franchise fame, the pan-India movie is led by Prabhas and produced by Vijay Kiragandur.
Prabhas and the production house Hombale Films shared the first glimpse of the actor as Vardharaja Mannaar from the much-awaited movie. "Presenting Vardharaja Mannaar from #Salaar. Parallel or mainstream, arthouse or commercial, he has always made sure to strike a balance and delivered stupendously with an entertaining and engaging act. To the most versatile @PrithviOfficial a very Happy Birthday," read a tweet by the banner.
In his reply, Prithviraj thanked the film's team for their warm wishes. "Thank you #HombaleFilms #PrashanthNeel #Prabhas and the entire team of #Salaar!" he tweeted.
Billed as a high-voltage actioner, Salaar has been shot in India and in countries across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The film will be released in five languages. In a statement, Prashanth Neel said it is an absolute pleasure for the team to have a superstar like Prithviraj on board the film.