Hyderabad: Superstar Prabhas' wax statue of his iconic role from SS Rajamouli's blockbuster movie Baahubali was unveiled on Wednesday at the Chamundeshwari Celebrity Wax Museum in Mysore, Karnataka. However, this has not gone down well with the makers of Baahubali. It is reported that Shobu Yarlagadda, the producer of Baahubali, is not happy with the statue's likeness and has publicly voiced his displeasure.
Producer Shobu Yarlagadda has tweeted that the museum did not ask for approval before installing the statue, which shows Prabhas in his Baahubali attire. The producer has also issued a stern warning regarding the matter. Taking to X, formerly called Twitter, the producer slammed the museum's team and wrote, "This not an officially licensed work and was done without our permission or knowledge. We will be taking immediate steps to get this removed."