Hyderabad: Film director Prashanth Neel's latest movie Salaar, starring Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran, has earned over Rs 600 crore at the global box office. As part of the tremendous success of the film, the team decided to organize a small cake-cutting celebration. The two lead actors, the director and producer Vijay Kiragandur took part in this event. All of them opted to go for black outfits.
Taking to social media, production house Homable Films shared a series of pictures from the celebration featuring the cast and crew of Salaar. Among the photos, one showcases Prabhas and Prithviraj cutting a cake. In sync with the film, the event appeared to include a black theme as most attendees were dressed in this colour. Dropping the images, the production house wrote in the caption, "The blockbuster success calls for a BLOCKBUSTER CELEBRATION!"
Salaar has amassed a staggering amount of Rs 392.94 crore solely from India in just 17 days. Globally, the film's box office collection has crossed the Rs 600 crore mark. Despite facing competition from Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki, Salaar has emerged victorious, becoming the sole winner at the box office.
The Prashanth Neel directorial is set in the fictional city of Khansaar. As per the city's founding members, three tribes - Mannars, Shouryaangas, and Ghaniyaars, were supposed to take turns ruling the place. However, the Mannars massacred the Shouryaangas and established permanent rulership over Khansaar. As a new prince is announced, a civil war ensues, compelling two challenging friends to come for battle. Alongside Prabhas and Prithviraj, the film also features Sriya Reddy, Shruti Haasan, and Bobby Simha.
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