Chennai:Tamil star Dhanush and Telugu star Prabhas are the latest to have showered praise on director Rishab Shetty's critically acclaimed Kannada film, Kantara. The film is scoring big at the box office and taking other markets by storm, the southern film industry continues its winning streak in the pan-India market. But what sets Kantara apart from other recent southern blockbusters like Pushpa or RRR, is its refreshing take on the age-old conflict between man and nature.
After Baahubali star Rana Daggubati, now superstars Dhanush and Prabhas have heaped praise on Kantara. While Dhanush took to Twitter to express his appreciation for the film calling it 'Mindblowing', Prabhas took to Instagram to register that he had watched the film a second time.
Dhanush said, "Kantara...A Mind blowing!! A must watch... Rishab Shetty, you should be very proud of yourself. Congratulations Hombale Films. Keep pushing the boundaries. A big hug to all the actors and technicians of the film. God bless."