Bhubaneshwar:In a heartbreaking development in the Odia actor Pintu Nanda's treatment for Chronic Liver Failure, the 47-year-old actor passed away late Wednesday at 11:25 pm while undergoing treatment at Yashoda Hospital in Hyderabad. Popular Ollywood actor Pintu Nanda was diagnosed with Acute On Chronic Liver Failure and was told to get a liver transplant at the earliest. The actor was undergoing treatment at Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bhubaneshwar but with time his health only deteriorated. On February 7, Pintu was taken to Delhi in critical condition, wherein the doctors advised him to undergo a liver transplant within the next 6 months.
He was admitted to a private hospital in New Delhi for a few days, but last week he had to be shifted to Hyderabad for more care. Pintu was then transferred to Yasoda Hospital in Hyderabad due to the unavailability of donors in Delhi. Pintu was to have a liver donated by a family member, but things didn't work out because of a blood group mismatch and other factors. On Wednesday night, at about 11:25 p.m., Nanda passed away before a donor could be found.