Hyderabad: Actor Parineeti Chopra and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha got engaged on Saturday at Delhi's Kapurthala House in the presence of relatives and friends. For the intimate ceremony, the pair dressed in matching white ethnic clothes. Parineeti has now released more photographs from their momentous day, the highlight of which is her father tearing up while being seated behind the couple.
The couple solemnised the engagement ritual following Sikh traditions. Sharing the unseen photos, Parineeti wrote, "Felt surreal to be blessed by the Jathedar of the Akal Takht Sahib, Singh Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh Ji. His solemn presence at our engagement meant the world to us (folded hands emoji)." The highlight, according to the actor's brother Shivang Chopra, is "a casual papa tearing up in the background."
In the candid photos from the couple's customary engagement ceremony, Parineeti had her hair covered with a lace scarf. Parineeti's face was hidden behind her hands as she greeted a religious leader overseeing the event in the first photo she shared. Raghav greeted him with folded hands and a smile. According to Sikh tradition, his hair was likewise covered for the ritual.
The next images depict the happy couple at their engagement ceremony, which was held in a large hall with white walls and green, yellow, and blue glass windows. In one of the photos, Parineeti's father, Pawan Chopra, can be seen crying in the backdrop, while Parineeti and Raghav, who sat in front of dozens of family, friends, and other visitors, listened to the 'ARDAAS' carefully.
Also read:Here's what Parineeti Chopra, Raghav Chadha have to say post engagement: Our worlds also unite with our union