Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's latest release Pathaan created history on its 27th day of release. The makers on Tuesday shared that the film helmed by Siddharth Anand is the first Hindi movie to cross the worldwide gross of Rs 1000. Not only that, Pathaan also enjoys the feat of being the highest-grossing Hindi film worldwide in the history of Hindi cinema.
Yash Raj Films took to social media to share box office numbers for Pathaan. According to YRF, on its fourth Monday Pathaan raised Rs 1.25 crore nett in India (Hindi - Rs 1.20 crore, dubbed versions - Rs 0.05 crore). After 27 days, Pathaan's total worldwide gross is an incredible Rs 1000 crore. The film raked in Rs 623 crore gross in the domestic market while overseas business stands at Rs 377 crore.
- Before Pathaan, the films below made it to the Rs 1000 crore club:
- Dangal - Rs 1968.03 cr
- Baahubali 2 - Rs 1747 cr
- KGF 2 - Rs 1188 cr
- RRR - Rs 1174 cr