Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and her fiance, Aam Aadmi Party MP Raghav Chadha were spotted at Golden Temple in Amritsar on Saturday morning. The couple went to the holy shrine to seek blessings ahead of their reported wedding. The two were seen walking on the temple premises with folded hands while wearing matching white outfits. While pictures and videos of the couple are viral on social media, Parineeti also took to her Instagram handle to share a glimpse of her visit to the preeminent spiritual site of Sikhism.
Sharing the picture on Instagram, Parineeti wrote in the caption, "My visit this time was even more special; with him by my side." In the picture, Parineeti and Raghav could be seen posing together with a serene background of the holy shrine. Parineeti was seen donning a white kurta salwar and covering her head with her dupatta. On the other hand, Raghav was wearing a white kurta-pajama with a grey Nehru coat and covered his head with an orange cloth. The duo was earlier seen arriving at the airport in Amritsar.