Hyderabad: Actor-entrepreneur Parineeti Chopra, who tied the knot with AAP leader Raghav Chaddha last month, created a buzz on the internet when she flaunted her sindoor-adorned look during a ramp walk. However, she recently delighted her fans by sharing photos from her vacation. Before webloids brim with 'Parineeti Chopra Raghav Chadha in the Maldives for honeymoon' reports, the actor nipped speculations in the bud and cleared that she is on a trip with her girl gang.
The newlywed isn't on her honeymoon with her husband; instead, she is on an exotic trip with her group of girlfriends. Parineeti playfully captioned the Instagram stories with, "Not on my honeymoon. #Girlstrip." In one photo, she showcased her hands adorned with chooda while holding a cup of coffee, and in another, she shared a stunning landscape.
During a recent fashion week event, Parineeti expressed her love for the sindoor look and hinted at spending more time dressing up for festivals. She stated, "This year, I'm going to spend a lot of time getting ready for festivals. So, even if you call me for a birthday party, I'm going to come dressed like this." At the event, she also shared her happiness about her first appearance after marriage, which was in her hometown, Delhi.Parineeti Chopra and AAP leader Raghav Chaddha had a private wedding ceremony in Udaipur on September 24, attended by close family and friends.