Mumbai: Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra was asked about her wedding date by paparazzi as she stepped out of a building. A video shared by celebrity paparazzi showed Parineeti dressed in an all-white ensemble as she left a building when she was asked about her wedding date by the photographers.
In the video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Parineeti could be seen donning a white kurta and matching palazzo. She had her hair tied in a ponytail and also wore dark sunglasses. They asked her, "Shaadi ki tareek kya hai? Kuch toh batao, chupao mat. (When is the wedding? Say something, don't be silent)."Parineeti then pointed at her team member and said, "She knows." When the photographers asked Parineeti to invite them to the wedding, she was seen blushing. Before leaving in her car, the actor smiled and said "bye."
Earlier, Parineeti Chopra walked the ramp for Marks & Spencer's latest summer collection at DTFW held at The Grand, New Delhi. The actor stopped the show looking chic in an Autograph pleated dress priced at Rs 5999 with a white linen blazer worth Rs 5999 from the latest Summer Collection by M&S setting some major OOTD goals for smart casuals and chic party wear.