New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party's high-profile Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha will go for his engagement with actress Parineeti Chopra on Saturday, May 13, wearing an ivory achkan and trousers designed by his maternal uncle, Pawan Sachdev. Parineeti will be dressed in a Manish Malhotra ensemble for the ceremony to be attended by close friends and relatives of the couple, including notably Priyanka Chopra Jonas, at the sprawling Kapurthala House on Mansingh Road, across the road from the Taj Mahal Hotel, in Lutyens's Delhi.
Priyanka, who is Parineeti's sister, was spotted at the London airport earlier. Speculations were rife that the Desi Girl is on her way to India to attend her cousin's engagement with Raghav. Proving the buzz true, Priyanka reached Delhi today morning to be with Parineeti on her big day. The actor was seen donning brown activewear at the airport.
The engagement ceremony will begin at 5 p.m. with the chanting of the Sukhmani Sahib from the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs, which will be followed by the 'ardas' or the holy prayer. It is expected to be attended by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, his Punjab counterpart, Bhagwant Mann, and Bollywood personalities as well.