Hyderabad:Actor Parineeti Chopra and her politician fiance recently made headlines for their visit to Golden Temple in Amritsar. After her visit to Punjab, Parineeti is back in Mumbai and was spotted by paparazzi on Tuesday. When photogs requested pictures, the actor did oblige even though it was raining. Parineeti, however, ended up with an inevitable query -- "Shadi kab hai?"
After returning from Punjab, Parineeti was spotted in Mumbai donning a black midi which she paired with a ripped denim jacket. The actor tied her hair in a ponytail and threw in a pair of cool shades to the mix while white sneakers rounded off her look. The actor was seen posing briefly for paps in the rain before she got into the car as the lensmen seemingly couldn't resist but ask about the wedding date. In the video shared by a paparazzo on Instagram, Parineeti is seen saying "Uff...my God!" to the paparazzi's obsession over her wedding with Raghav.