Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra was spotted wearing a silver band on her ring finger amid speculations about her wedding with Raghav Chadha. The actor has been hitting the headlines after she was rumoured to be dating the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) minister. As per the media reports, Priyanka Chopra's visit to town earlier this month sparked rumours that a roka ceremony will be held although there was no confirmation.
Parineeti Chopra captured our attention with her ring on Monday night. Despite wearing a simple band, the placement of the ring is what drew the attention. The actress was seen at the office of celebrity manager Poonam Damania. She could be seen sporting a white crop top, an unbuttoned shirt doubled up as a shrug, and a pair of jeans while keeping it casual. She wore minimal make-up and no jewellery, except for a silver band on her ring finger and a gold ring. The actor smiled at the cameras before leaving the office.