Hyderabad: After Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad, the Hindi film industry and politics will seemingly witness another union. Reports of actor Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha's wedding are doing rounds after the duo was spotted together in Mumbai. The speculation around Parineeti and Raghav's wedding intensified after Aam Aadmi Party leaders wished the couple well on social media. While the alleged lovebirds are yet to confirm the news, a video of paparazzi trying hard to get a reaction from Parineeti on the wedding with Raghav rumours has surfaced online.
On Tuesday night, Parineeti returned from Doha, Qatar after a shooting assignment. Upon her arrival, the actor was mobbed by the photogs at the Mumbai airport. Parineeti was seen oozing boss lady vibes in a black pantsuit which she teamed up with a turtle neck t-shirt. Surrounded by paps, Parineeti was seen blushing as the lensmen were really keen to get a reaction from her wedding reports. Seemingly amused by paps' queries, the actor kept smiling and thanked them before zooming out in her car.