Mumbai: Actor Pankaj Tripathi is set to play the role of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in a biopic titled Main Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon Yeh Desh Rehna Chahiye- ATAL, the makers announced Friday. Written by Utkarsh Naithani and directed by three-time National Award-winner Ravi Jadhav, the film will revolve around the journey of Vajpayee, one of the co-founders and a senior leader of the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP).
Tripathi said he feels honoured to play the role of an iconic multi-faceted personality like Vajpayee. "It is an honour to portray such a humane politician on screen. He was not just a politician but so much more, he was an excellent writer and a renowned poet. Getting to be in his shoes is nothing but a privilege for an actor like me," the 46-year-old actor said in a statement.
Jadhav, best known for helming Marathi movies Natarang and Balgandharva, said it is a golden opportunity for him to direct a film on the late leader with a talented actor like Tripathi. "For me as a director, I couldn't have asked for any better story than that of Atalji. On top of this, having an exemplary actor like Pankaj Tripathi to bring to screen Atalji's story and the support of the producers. I hope that I can live up to people's expectations with ATAL," he added.
Vajpayee, who joined Rashtriya Sewak Sangh (RSS) in 1947, rose through ranks to become a stalwart of the BJP and was the first non-Congress prime minister to complete a full term in office.