Mumbai (Maharashtra): On Sridevi's 59th birth anniversary, her daughters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor left everyone emotional with their touching tributes to the late actor. Taking to Instagram, Janhvi dug out her childhood picture with her mother. In the adorable image, Sridevi could be seen sharing smiles with her elder daughter Janhvi.
Janhvi also penned a note in memory of her mother. She wrote, "Happy birthday Mumma.. I miss you more and more every day. I love u forever." Janhvi's post has garnered several likes and comments from social media users. "Miss you so much Sridevi ji," a netizen commented. "She will always be there with you, and I bet she is really really proud of you," another one wrote.
Actor Varun Dhawan and fashion designer Manish Malhotra, who shared a close bond with Sridevi, also reacted to the post. They dropped red heart emojis in the comment section.