Hyderabad: Film director Amit Rai's comedy-drama flick OMG 2 will reportedly be streaming on the OTT platform Netflix on October 8. Despite the 'A' rating and its clash with Gadar 2, OMG 2 became one of the biggest hits of 2023, and the OTT premiere of the movie is eagerly anticipated by the audience. Additionally, it was reported that the uncut version of the film would be displayed on OTT in its entirety, sans the 27 cuts enforced by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). However, it now appears that this will not be happening.
In a interaction with a newswire, Amit Rai stated that the streaming platform is not yet prepared to show the uncut version. He said, "I don't know what their apprehensions are. They (the streaming platform) will show the same version that the Censor Board passed. Ab ispe aur kya hi kar sakte hain? (What else can we do now?) Saare desh ne chilla chilla ke bola par phir bhi Censor Board ko sunaayi nahin de raha, toh koi kuch nahin kar sakta. (The whole country shouted and said but still, the Censor Board is not listening, so no one can do anything.) Amit was referring to the essential sequences from the movie that were left out since they involved physical intimacy and self-gratification.