Hyderabad: Amidst swirling rumors regarding Akshay Kumar's substantial earnings for his role in OMG 2, Ajit Andhare, the Chief Operating Officer of Viacom 18 Studios, has clarified that these reports are far from accurate. Although OMG 2 faced a modest start at the box office during its debut week, its collections have experienced a noticeable surge due to positive word-of-mouth. Despite nearing the Rs 100 crore mark in earnings, some sources labeled the film a failure, citing a purported budget of Rs 150 crore.
In response, Ajit Andhare dismissed these claims and said that Akshay Kumar did not demand any remuneration for his performance in the movie. Addressing inquiries about OMG 2's budget, Ajit Andhare stated, "The reported budget figures for OMG 2 are highly inflated. In contrast, Akshay Kumar did not request any payment, and in fact, he joined us in sharing both the financial and creative risks associated with such a bold film."
Andhare went on to explain and said that they have a longstanding rapport and mutual understanding with Akshay as a studio. He also claimed that the studio's association with the actor has been one of embracing unconventional scripts that hold significant and meaningful messages. Ajit also emphasized that the ambitious endeavor of creating a film like OMG 2 would have been insurmountable without Akshay's active participation. The star demonstrated full commitment, contributing not only creatively but also financially. Sources were cited in the report suggesting that the film's actual budget is a modest Rs 50 crore.