Mumbai: Bollywood actor Nushrratt Bharuccha is set to feature in the Hindi remake of SS Rajamouli's 2005 movie Chatrapathi, the makers said on Monday. Billed as a "high-octane action drama", the upcoming film will see Nushrratt star opposite Sreenivas Bellamkonda. The film is all set to hit the screens on May 12.
The Chhorii star said she is excited about her first pan-India action drama. "I couldn't have asked for anything better than a film like Chatrapathi. I am so thrilled to have worked with a team of such brilliant technicians and an amazing co-star, Sreenivas," Nushrratt said in a statement.
Sreenivas, who is making his Hindi debut with the film, said that working with Nushrratt has been a great experience. "It was very easy to share the camaraderie, and it is all thanks to her for making me feel comfortable in my first Bollywood film. Chatrapathi is very special to us, and we only hope the audience likes it. I am excited for the 12th of May," he added.