Mumbai: Makers of the Hindi remake of SS Rajamouli's Chatrapathi unveiled the track Bareilly Ke Bazaar from their film on Thursday. Taking to Instagram, actor Nushrratt Bharuccha shared a glimpse of the song which she captioned, "The wait is finally over! #BareillyKeBazaar is out now on Times Music's YouTube Channel #ListenNow Written by #VijayendraPrasad, directed by #VVVinayak. #Chatrapathi in cinemas on 12th May 2023."
Sung by Sunidhi Chauhan and Nakash Aziz the song features Nushrratt and actor Bellamkonda Sreenivas. In the video, Nushrratt could be seen shaking a leg with her co-star Bellamkonda Sreenivas. Soon after the Ram Setu actor shared the song, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. "Hotness," a fan wrote. Another fan commented, "Amazing dance moves."
Chatrapathi marks the Bollywood debut of Telugu actor Bellamkonda Sreenivas, who is known for his performances in films like Sita, Alludu Adhurs, Kavacham, and many more. The Hindi remake is helmed by V.V. Vinayak and is all set to hit the theatres on May 12, 2023. Chatrapathi tells the story of a protagonist who rose against oppression to become a saviour of immigrants that suffered massive exploitation. It also stars Nusshratt Bharuccha, Bhagyashree, Sharad Kelkar, Sahil Vaid, Amit Nair, Rajendra Gupta, and Shivam Patil, among others.